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NECA Issues Guidance for Electrical Contractors on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Mar 24, 2020
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) was signed into law on March 18, 2020. NECA is pleased to present a series of summaries and FAQs for our contractors and chapters to utilize as they address many of the questions and concerns related to the paid sick leave, paid family leave, and other provisions of the Act. NECA is continually working to provide the most timely and accurate information to our chapters and members. The environment is fluid, and anything that we put out will be subject to change or adjustment and may be amplified or clarified through the question and answer process. Please continue to keep eye out for distributions and alerts, as we continue to address many of your questions though this material.

Coronavirus FFCRA Overview

Coronavirus FFCRA FAQ