NECA Legislative Top Three 7/12/19: Thanking Our Lineworkers
1. NECA Participates in National Lineworker Appreciation Day
National Lineworker Appreciation Day is celebrated each year on July 10 to honor the life and work of Henry Miller, the first president of IBEW. On behalf of the over 75,000 electrical lineworkers, Congressional leaders signed H. Res. 478, expressing support for the designation of Journeyman Lineman Recognition Day.
NECA’s Look Head: In conjunction with the signing of the resolution, NECA was invited to participate in the ceremony on Capitol Hill along with Edison Electric Institute (EEI), the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), the Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA), and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). David Long also released a statement in support of our lineworkers and the resolution.
2. House Ways and Means Committee Holds Hearing on Butch Lewis Act
On July 10, 2019, the House Ways and Means Committee held an lengthy hearing on H.R. 397, Rehabilitation for Multiemployer Pensions Act, also known as the “Butch Lewis Act.” This legislation, if enacted, would offer only a massive loan guarantee to plans currently facing insolvency in the multiemployer pension system, but not include any prospective solutions for healthier plans. NECA has long supported a comprehensive solution to the challenges facing the multiemployer system and along with other employer groups sent a letter to the committee encouraging for the inclusion of composite plan design in any solution offered.
NECA’s Look Ahead: The Butch Lewis Act passed out of committee along strict party lines and now will likely head to the House floor for a vote where it is again anticipated to pass along party lines. As this process continues, NECA remains committed to advocating for the inclusion of composite plans in any solution to the challenges facing the multiemployer system.
3. NECA Contractor to Testify Before the House Small Business Committee
On July 16, 2019, NECA will testify before the Subcommittee on Contracting and Infrastructure of the House Committee on Small Business, for a hearing entitled, “Helping Small Businesses Compete: Challenges and Opportunities in the Federal Procurement Marketplace.” NECA Contractor Thomas DePace of Advanced Sound Company and the Long Island Chapter NECA will provide testimony both thanking the Committee for their interest and urging action on a multitude of topics.
NECA’s Look Ahead: NECA will offer both written and spoken testimony to the Committee to reform practices across the federal marketplace that place our contractors at unnecessary economic risk. Mr. DePace will present Congress with the perspective of a subcontractor who has been directly impacted by the everyday common challenges of the federal contracting arena.