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Conference Registration Opens Soon + TAUC Annual Labor Survey + NLMCC Market Share Data Now Available

Jan 22, 2019

Labor Relations Conference Registration Opens Soon

LRC-noyearThe National Labor Relations Conference is scheduled for April 15 – 17 at the J. W. Marriott in New Orleans. The agenda is still being finalized. The conference will begin Monday afternoon followed by a small reception at the hotel. Tuesday will run all day, with a mix of plenary sessions and breakouts followed by our traditional large reception at K-Paul’s Restaurant that evening.  Wednesday’s session will end by noon, to allow most attendees the opportunity to travel home. The registration fee is $700 per attendee (guests accompanying attendees may register to attend the social events – breakfasts, lunch and receptions for $350.) We plan to open registration next week, so watch for the announcement. 

NECA Encourages Chapters and Members to Participate in TAUC’s Annual Labor Supply Survey

The Association of Union Constructors (TAUC) released its “2019 TAUC Union Craft Labor Supply Survey” on Monday, January 14, 2019 to collect responses from industry professional across the nation. The survey will remain open for responses until Friday, February 8, 2019. This marks the fifth year of research for TAUC in sampling the Union Construction and Maintenance Industry on the current and prospective supply of Union Craft Labor. 

The purpose of the survey is simple, to determine if there will be a union labor shortage and where it may occur. It is vitally important to identify these issues in advance so that industry partners can attempt to address them before they occur. Therefore, NECA urges you to not only complete the 2019 Union Craft Labor Supply Survey but also to distribute it to your colleagues and other industry partners that can help all of us better prepare for the future. The link below can be used to complete the survey as well as be shared with other organizations and industry professionals:

Click here to complete the survey »
\Once the survey has been closed and the results analyzed, TAUC will make the final report available to NECA as well as those who provided input to the survey. 


NLMCC Market Share Information Sent to Chapters

The National Labor-Management Cooperation Committee has distributed the Inside and Outside Market Evaluation Studies tracking the share of wages and employees attributed to the union sector of the market through 2017. Information from the reports is available through your chapter office.