Capitol Hill Visits

Who better to tell your organization’s story than you? Through your participation during these critical days, you will:

  • Take part in issue briefings and engage with Members of Congress and other Washington insiders
  • Guide legislative change for the electrical contracting industry and the people NECA serves
  • Meet with legislative leaders on Capitol Hill and at our Congressional Reception
  • Contribute to the success of the electrical contracting industry by sending Congress the message that NECA leads the industry in establishing and maintaining the highest workforce standards and performance

Constituent meetings with Members of Congress are critical to the success of NECA’s advocacy strategy on Capitol Hill. NECA contractors are creating jobs, voting, and paying taxes in a legislator’s district – Members of Congress should hear firsthand about your business and what matters to you!

We encourage participants to take an active role in the policymaking process and participate in Capitol Hill visits. NECA staff will provide assistance in helping you communicate effectively with prepared position papers and preparatory meetings putting forth the necessary talking points.

Tips for Hill Meetings

Contact Information

Marco Giamberardino
(202) 991-6251 or email

Jessica Cardenas
(202) 991-6238 or email

James Payne
(202) 449-8418 or email

Seth Guidry
(985) 637-1535 or email

2023 NECA Legislative Conference

NECA 2024 Legislative Conference