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By collective bargaining agreements, labor disputes in the industry are referred to the Council on Industrial Relations and parties to the disputes are pledged to abide by the result of this voluntary arbitration procedure. It hears disputes that cannot be settled locally and makes decisions. As a result of this procedure, millions of dollars in lost wages have been saved for electrical workers and millions of dollars in lost business opportunities have been preserved for electrical contractors. The Council was founded in 1920, and it is sponsored by the IBEW and NECA. It is composed of a panel of 12 regular members and alternates, half of whom are appointed by each sponsoring organization. When selecting NECA's appointees to serve on the Council, the President is guided by the recommendations contained in the Board of Governors 1953 Resolution regarding the matter. Experience has shown that the geographical location of members is relatively unimportant. However, a measure of consideration is given to it. Regular meetings are held quarterly in February, May, August, and November at such times and places as may be selected by its Executive Committee. The Council adopts and publishes its own rules of procedure. It is not subject to the unilateral control of either of its sponsors. When in session, its members are expected to represent the industry rather than either of the sponsoring organizations.
Steve Lindley, Co-Chair
Vice President District 10
Hooper Corporation
Deforest, WI
James C Atkins
Northeastern Line Constructors Chapter
Northline LLC
Au Sable Forks, NY
C. Stephen Gaines, Jr
Chapter Executive
Southeastern Line Constructors Chapter
Tyrone, GA
Ryan Courtney, Alternate
Executive Director, Labor Relations
Washington, DC
Frank Piatt, Alternate
Executive Director
Southern Region NECA
Pensacola, FL
Ted Uppole, Alternate
Executive Director
Western Region NECA
Aliso Viejo, CA
David Woodard, Alternate
Executive Director
Midwestern Region NECA
Cheney, KS