This course provides attendees with a fairly detailed overview of electrical safety as covered in NFPA 70E the Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace. NFPA 70E applies to both employers and employees so compliance is definitely a shared responsibility. This training looks at key objectives in the standard and how they relate to the OSHA Regulations. More specifically this program will help attendees understand the essentials related to properly applying the standard and cover recent revisions to the latest edition. The hierarchy of risk controls and process of required risk assessments will be discussed along with information about human performance factors and important criteria that should be used to determine if energized work is justified in accordance with OSHA requirements and NFPA 70E. Application of lockout/tagout and the Arc-flash PPE Category Method of PPE selection will be demonstrated along with developing a clear understanding of training and documentation required by employers. This informative training provides a review of the essentials related to electrical safety in the workplace in addition to building confidence in properly applying the requirements of NFPA 70E.