The push to work offsite and productize their work provides significant opportunities for electrical contractors to grow business. However, the shortage of skilled workers and the use of legacy processes, contract types and project structures, require new ways of thinking and working. Moving work offsite presents electrical contractors with many major decisions such as: what work to move offsite, what to make versus buy (buy or preassemble), whether to set-up one big shop or multiple shops (and if permanent or temporary), where to locate shop(s) and how to lay them out and, how to get the needed throughput and control production in the shop.
Following this course, participants will be able to:
• How to apply/leverage/benefit from proven production management methods to a construction fabrication shop
• Understand the unique attributes of fabrication / job shop vs manufacturing and other forms or production systems
• Learn how to map and model a Fabrication / Job Shop Production System
• Understand the principles underlying Project Production Management
• Create a plan to develop and deploy the course learning