About the Conference

June 28-29
Denver, CO

Service and maintenance work presents an opportunity for NECA members to grow their businesses, strengthen their relationships with customers and develop an ongoing revenue source. To help our members in this area we’re excited to offer a to offer a brand-new conference dedicated to the topic of service and maintenance work. This conference will help our members who are considering establishing service and maintenance divisions and those getting started identify best practices, establish processes and learn from others who are successfully doing this work.

Contact Information

Jules Scarpello
email [email protected]
(215) 622-1028

NECA Service & Maintenance Conference

39% of electrical contractors' revenue comes from maintenance/service repair work.

96% of electrical contractors perform low-voltage work which can lead to an abundance of consumer repair needs.

Save the Date

This two-day conference will help our electrical contractor business owners and senior management to build and navigate a successful service and maintenance-oriented department. Insight on how to operate a maintenance sector from start to finish will be provided through expert presentations and NECA contractor-led panels and discussions.

Service & Maintenance Advisory Council

The Service & Maintenance Advisory Council is a group of NECA members formed in in 2023 to guide NECA's educational efforts related to service and maintenance work and projects. We thank them for their hard work to improving conversations about this important work area.

View the full Advisory Council roster