How the Rural Broadband, 5G, and Other Fiber applications are Changing and Creating Jobs - What You Need to Know and How to Be a Part

This presentation will explore OSP fiber applications that are creating a high demand for skilled workers. The big four are the Rural Broadband Initiative, 5G Rollout, Fiber Optic Sensing, and Utilities and Co-Ops. While all are fiber rich, each are distinct in requirements and opportunities created. This session will examine each one to include an overview of the initiative, specific requirements to each, and common threads to allow expanded business and labor opportunities. Specific attention will be given to the Rural Broadband Initiative to provide attendees with an understanding of the purpose, specific requirements related to material classification, how funding will be allocated, and the surprising place that most of the money will be spent. Following that, we will explore the heavy fiber requirement for 5G as compared to legacy cellular and data deployments. Next we will discuss distributed fiber optic sensing, what it does, where it is used, and how you can be a part. Finally, we will explore how traditional utilities and co-ops are expanding services using fiber to not only benefit their network monitoring, but to also create new revenue streams. This presentation will be an informative and educational for all audience levels as it is not data heavy overly technical.

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Sean Kelly | NECA-BICSI Summit
Sean Kelly
Light Brigade

Sean Kelly, RCDD, CFHP is a fiber cable and connectivity professional with over 25 years of experience working in tec

June 27, 2023
03:00 PM04:00 PM
Location: Mt. Oxford 3rd Floor
  • Breakout Sessions